Nursery Care

Nursery care is available for children under the age of three in the staffed nursery, room 201, during the Sunday School Hour and the Traditional Worship Service.

Nursery Upgrade Sept 2018 - west side                Nursery Upgrade Sept 2018 - east side

The children are able to socialize, play games, create pictures or other craft items, and hear stories. On days that the weather is agreeable, they often go on a “field trip” to our playground off the side parking area.

A “Cry Room” is available for those who want or need to keep their very young children with them, but are concerned about disturbing the service. The Cry room is located at the back of the balcony. This room is equipped with two cribs and some toys, as well as a pew, hymnals, Bibles, a large window to view the service to allow participation in the worship.
